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In the 2022 horror thriller Run Sweetheart Run, Ethan is a terrifying and enigmatic antagonist who preys on women. But what exactly is he?

Run Sweetheart Run follows Cherie, a single mother who goes on a dinner date with a charming client named Ethan, only for the night to devolve into a fight for survival when Ethan reveals his sadistic, bloodthirsty nature.

As Cherie runs for her life through the dark streets of Los Angeles, the film slowly peels back the layers on who, or what, Ethan really is.

Vampire, Demon, or Something Else?

Throughout much of the film, Ethan displays traits reminiscent of classic movie monsters. His thirst for blood, aversion to sunlight, and ability to control others’ minds evoke vampires. He’s referred to as a “fallen angel” who has shaped the course of human history, suggesting a demonic nature.However, the film never definitively states what kind of creature Ethan is.

He’s eventually shown in a monstrous form that’s never fully glimpsed, maintaining the mystery around him. The ambiguity allows Ethan to function as a symbolic embodiment of the very real monsters of misogyny, male violence, and abuses of power.

A Monster of Misogyny

On a thematic level, Ethan represents the ways in which women are victimized and disempowered by the patriarchy. He’s a physical threat to Cherie, but also a systemic one, manipulating law enforcement and bystanders to work against her. Ethan preys on women to “maintain the patriarchy” and promote male dominance, as he has throughout history.

This makes Ethan a monster in a figurative sense as well as a potentially literal one. He’s an embodiment of real-world horrors and injustices that women face, given a supernatural twist. The film’s refusal to spell out Ethan’s exact nature keeps him a chilling cipher for the very real threats the film is wrestling with.

An Unrelenting Foe

Whatever Ethan’s true form, his menace is undeniable. As portrayed by Pilou Asbæk, he’s a villain who’s both charming and chilling, oscillating between glib narcissism and vicious sadism. He has the power to control men’s minds and takes cruel pleasure in hunting Cherie for sport.

Ethan’s relentless pursuit provides the film’s scares and tension, as Cherie must evade and ultimately confront her seemingly unstoppable tormentor. Her victory over him in the end, destroying him with sunlight and fire, works as a cathartic vanquishing of a monster both literal and metaphorical.